Kaes, Md
TAD Adjunct Faculty
Kaiser, Joseph
General Maintenance Worker
Kantack Miller, Kari
Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Karger, Bonner
Executive Director (Interim), Student Success Center
Karger, Brodie
ITS 3/Server & Systems Administrator
Katz, Jesse
Non Employee
Kenfack Metangmo, Richard Bertrand
Non Employee
Keute, Caitlin
Upward Bound
Kingbird-Bratvold, Awanookwe
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Kingery, Muriel
Associate Dir for HMU Operations
Kippenhan, B
Kivi, Paul
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-4106
Klander, Justin
Contingent Worker
Klawitter, Lukus
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Klement, Kat
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2848
Knott, Jodi
Associate Director of Financial Aid
- Phone218-755-4143
Knudson, Seth
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Koch, Richard
Koester, Jason
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Konecne, Steven
Music Adjunct
Kong'a, Alex
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Krall, Lisa
Associate Professor
Kramer, Anthony
Non Employee
Kranz, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty
Kroeger, Tim
Emeritus Faculty
Krueger, Heidi
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Kruse, Michael
Electronics Technician Senior
- Phone218-755-2611